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- Who We are
The g7+ is an intergovernmental organization made up of conflict-affected countries united by a vision of peace, stability, and development in their countries and everywhere in the world.
- What we do
The g7+ provides a platform to member countries to collectively advocate for better approaches of supporting peacebuilding and statebuilding efforts in countries affected by conflict and fragility.
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- Partnership
The g7+ develop a friendly relations and mutually beneficial dialogues, cooperation and works in partnership with a range of global actors to reform international engagement in member countries and redefine the narrative on state fragility.
Global Policy And Advocacy
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- Global Policy And Advocacy
Policy and Advocacy
One of the main objectives of the g7+ is to shape policy on and advocate for reforms to the way development partners engage in countries affected by conflict and fragility.
The group has been working together with development partners, the private sector, and civil society to establish a new paradigm for international engagement. This work is informed by a better understanding by g7+ countries of their own conditions and necessary steps for a successful transition, facilitated by peer sharing and lesson-learning from their successes and failures.
The aim is to develop adaptive and innovative policies and aid modalities to overcome unique and rapidly shifting challenges, to guide international actors for result-based outcomes towards the common goal of ‘building peaceful societies and capable and strong institutions”
The g7+ has been a focal point for discussions on aid effectiveness and development policies concerning engagement in countries affected by conflict and fragility. These fora include multilateral organisations such as the United Nations, the World Bank and IMF Spring and Annual Meetings and other groups such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Network on Conflict and Fragility INCAF, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation and etc
“How do we get out of fragility? First of all, we need peace, as a foundation on which all else gets built. Second, we need a capable state that can deliver services for our people. It is the elected leaders of our countries who are responsible for delivering this. Last but not least, we need mutual trust between us and our partners to ensure the country does not go back to conflict. Donors and our development partners can, of course, play an important supporting role in this process.