New Deal Implementation

The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States

The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States is the first set of principles guiding international engagement in conflict-affected states. It was endorsed in November 2011, during the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, by 44 countries and various international organisations. The New Deal was originally conceived by the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (the Dialogue)– a forum bringing together countries affected by conflict and fragility and their international development partners to identify, agree and realize more effective ways of building peaceful states and supporting transitions out of fragility.
The New Deal seeks to be more context-sensitive and country-led than traditional approaches to development, and aims to ensure mutual accountability between governments, civil society, donors and other international actors.
The New Deal sets out three interconnected sets of principles to be adhered to in any development intervention in fragile or conflict-affected situations:


Five peacebuilding and statebuilding goals

Five peacebuilding and statebuilding goals, committing the Dialogue to work towards full consideration of these Goals in line with the given national context as pre-requisites for any development intervention. The New Deal further commits the members of the Dialogue to consolidate these goals in the post-MDG development framework beyond 2015, and advocate for them in the UN General Assembly and other fora. The five PSGs are: legitimate politics, security, justice, economic foundations, and revenues & services.

Focus principles

The new deal commits members to take a series of steps to focus

The new deal commits members to take a series of steps to focus on nationally led planning- and priority-setting based on fragility assessments, simplified planning mechanisms, and support for political dialogue. The FOCUS principles are: country-led fragility assessments; one vision, one plan; consensus around a compact; using the PSGs to monitor; and support for political dialogue.


The new deal aims to increase trust between national and international actors

The new deal aims to increase trust between national and international actors on nationally led planning- and priority-setting based on fragility assessments, simplified planning mechanisms, and support for political dialogue. The FOCUS principles are: country-led fragility assessments; one vision, one plan; consensus around a compact; using the PSGs to monitor; and support for political dialogue.


A New Deal Engagement in Fragile States - Portuguese
A New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States - FRENCH
Fragility Spectrum
A New Deal for engagement in Fragile States
New Deal Monitoring Report
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Overview
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 1
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 2
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 3
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 4
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 5
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Case Study 6
Aid instruments for peace and state-building - Complete