We are pleased to welcome H.E. Francis M. Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Planning of Sierra Leone (Chair of g7) and Ms. Elizabeth Kamara, Director of Development Assistance Coordination Office (DACO) Sierra Loene to Dili, Timor-Leste on 18 May 2022.
At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste, H.E. Adaljiza Magno, the Chair of g7+ will participate in the Swearing in ceremony of the new President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and attend the celebration of 20th Year Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste.
This is the first visit of H.E. Francis Kai-Kai to Dili since he assumed the role of Chair of g7+ in 2019 at the 5th g7+ Ministerial Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. During the visit, Chair will meet national leaders, Prime Ministers, Ministers and head of agencies and the members of the National Parliament.
On the first day of the visit, H.E. Dr. Francis M. Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair of g7+ met with the President of National Parliament of Timor-Leste, Dr. Aniceto Guterres to appreciate the support from the National Parliament to the g7+ work. He also congratulated Timor-Leste for celebrating its 20th Anniversary of the restoration of Independence. Dr. Francis Kai-Kai highlighted the importance of the Parliament role in promoting democracy. He is pleased to know that the Parliament of Timor-Leste and Sierra Leone are leading the creation of the g7+ Parliamentary Assembly, which will be officially inaugurated in the coming meeting of Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Kigali, Rwanda in October 2022.

Sierra Leone is currently serving as Speaker of the ECOWAS, Minister Kai-kai ensured to reinforce the collective voice of g7+ different stage of development in this platform.
As a group of organization that brings together conflict affected countries, Dr. Aniceto assures the support from the National Parliament and personally, to the work of g7+. He hoped that g7+ will continue to be as platform for member countries to share experiences and work together, complementing each other to be stronger. The President of National Parliament also raised the issue of Afghanistan, a member of g7+ that is required attention from the group. The President also informed that after the recent meeting of IPU in Bali, he has sent an official request for an Observer Status to g7+ at the IPU.
The following day, H.E. Dr. Francis M. Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development Sierra Leone and Chair of g7+ met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste, Adaljiza Magno.

The Chair of g7+ thanked the government of Timor-Leste for its continued support to the g7+. Both agreed that the g7+ mission is becoming an even more important forum for the members to share experience and collectively advocate for better international engagement in conflict affected countries.
Timor-Leste and Sierra Leone together with the g7+ secretariat will host a high-level side summit during the 76th UN General Assembly to further consolidate g7+ advocacy for peace and statebuilding. H.E. Minister Adaljiza Magno and H.E. Minister Kai-Kai reiterated their commitment to continue supporting the g7+ platform.
Minister Francis Kai-Kai also met H.E. Jose Belo President of National Election Commission of Timor-Leste. The Chair of g7+ congratulated the president of CNE for successfully conducting the presidential election.
The president of CNE appreciated the Chair of g7+ for the visit of Mr. Larry Bojohn Fangawa, from Sierra Leone, to observe the first round of the election Presidential in March. Both sides agreed that the g7+ should institutionalize cooperation among members in managing elections which are important events in conflict affected countries.

As part of sharing experiences on peace and reconciliation, H.E. Dr. Francis M. Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair of g7+, received Director of Centro Nacional Chega (CNC), Mr. Hugo Fernandes and the delegation at the g7+ Headquarters on 19 May 2022. The meeting aims to share progress of the implementation of the recommendation of Chega: The report of the commission for reception, truth, and reconciliation in Timor-Leste.
At the national level, Mr. Hugo Fernandes informed that CNC is working closely with the Ministry of Education to ensure that Chega Report will be integrated in the education curriculum to help raise awareness of the young generation about the findings and recommendation of the reconciliations. Both parties agreed to explore opportunities to share experiences between Chega and other g7+ member countries.

Minister of Plannning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair of g7+, H.E. Dr. Francis Kai-Kai concluded the mission in Timor-Leste by receiving the visit was of President of National Parliament of São Tome e Principe, H.E. Delfim Santiago Das Neves to discuss the initiative to establish the g7+ Parliamentary Assembly, that is planned to be inaugurated at the 145th IPU Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda.

Minister Kai-Kai also received H.E. Nuno Gomes Nabiam, Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau visits at the g7+ Headquarters to discuss the work priorities of g7+ on peacebuilding and statebuilding and how to collectively advocate it at the global level.