Today, the g7+ Secretariat is pleased to welcome the WTO Accession delegation, consist of Timor-Leste working Party Chair, Ambassador Rui Carreira, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Timor-Leste to Geneva, H.E. Lurdes Bessa, Director, Accessions Division of WTO, Ms Maika Oshikawa and Ms. Anna Varyanik, Legal Affairs Officer, Accession Division at the g7+ Headquarters in Dili, Timor-Leste.
In his intervention, Ambassador Rui Carreira shared the progress of the Timor-Leste accession and said the country has really sped the process enomoursly over the last year. The finding shows that there is a strong national consensus and political will from the Government, Private Sector and CSO, a very positive note for Timor-Leste to finalize the process this year and joining WTO next year.

General Secretary Dr. Helder da Costa and Ms Ana Caetano, Legal Advisor met with the the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Morissanda KOUYATÉ, accompanied by g7+ focal point, Ms Maniamba KANDE and former focal point, Mr Ibrahim SECK.

Ms Maika Oshikawa updated us on the g7+ WTO Accession Group and the Trade for Peace (T4P) Initiative. She applauded Liberia and Timor-Leste active role in this initiative and encourage other g7+ countries to join. We also explore opportunities to engage with the office of the Director General of WTO, Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and discussed the preparation for the upcoming Trade for Peace event in November 2022 to ensure that trade can become a means to sustain peace in fragile and conflict affected countries. END.