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The g7+ is an intergovernmental organization made up of conflict-affected countries united by a vision of peace, stability, and development in their countries and everywhere in the world.
- What we do
The g7+ provides a platform to member countries to collectively advocate for better approaches of supporting peacebuilding and statebuilding efforts in countries affected by conflict and fragility.
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The g7+ develop a friendly relations and mutually beneficial dialogues, cooperation and works in partnership with a range of global actors to reform international engagement in member countries and redefine the narrative on state fragility.

“Conflict prevention in multipolar world: Perspective from g7+ countries”


The g7+ is an intergovernmental organization of countries that promotes peace and stability through advocacy on aid effectiveness and facilitates peer learning on good development practices.
Established in 2010, the g7+ provides a platform to conflict-affected countries to collectively voice the need for national dialogue and reconciliation to address conflicts; advocate for effective development cooperation founded on the principles of country ownership and leadership; and share first-hand experience with one another. The g7+ attained observer status at the United Nations in 2019.
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What We Do
Our collective vision is for member states to achieve peace and stability by building capable and accountable
institutions, and to transition towards resilience and the next stages of development.
The g7+ supports this vision through three main pillars of work:

Cooperation among members
We facilitate cooperation among member countries in achieving peace and stability. This includes sharing of firsthand experiences among members as part of an initiative called Fragile-to- Fragile Cooperation.

New Deal: Advocacy for Effective Engagement in Fragile states
We advocate for a better approach to engagement in conflict affected countries; one that is rooted in the country’s context and ownership and supports the vision of lasting stability.

National dialogue and reconciliation
Underpinned by the principle of solidarity, we facilitate national dialogue and reconciliation to achieve peace and stability.