Press Release

Addressing Fragility and Conflict amid New Challenges – Ministerial meeting

Addressing Fragility and Conflict amid New Challenges – Ministerial meeting

April 15, 2023, Washington, D.C. – Ministers of Finance from the g7+ (The Group of Seven Plus) and representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held a closed-door Ministerial Meeting on the margins of the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, D.C. The discussion focused on challenges faced by fragile and conflict-affected countries in the current global context and the support needed from the international community.

The meeting highlighted the importance of efforts to mobilize resources that can help countries facing high debt burdens, fragility, and conflict that are exacerbated by the global crisis. During these challenging times, the IMF has scaled up its engagement with the most vulnerable members of the international community, including through its Strategy for Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCS). Recalling the catalytic role of IMF financing, discussions also highlighted the critical importance of facilities such as Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Facility (PRGT) that can enable low-income countries, especially those affected by fragility and conflict, to access resources needed to withstand shocks and build resilience.


The meeting further underscored the role of country ownership and timeliness of support from the international community as important principles for the pursuit of stability and resilience. The meeting also highlighted the need to further deepen the international community’s understanding of the nexus between debt and fragility. Given the global spillovers of fragility and conflict, supporting fragile and conflict-affected countries is a collective responsibility for the international community.


Going forward, participants agreed to continue the dialogue in addressing the challenges faced by fragile and conflict-affected countries.


Helche Silvester
Media and Communication Officer, The g7+ Secretariat, Dili, Timor-Leste