Press Release

Chair visit to Timor-Leste

g7+ held technical meeting on implementing and monitoring SDGs in Nairobi, Kenya

The g7+ held two days technical meeting with the Focal Points from Ministries of planning and officials of National statistics from member countries and development partners in Nairobi, Kenya from 07 to 08 December 2015. Hosted by the World Bank office, the objective of the meeting was to identify common strength, weakness, and challenges in implementing and monitoring the SDGs in g7+ member countries. 


Participants shared their perspectives on Monitoring and Implementing the SDGs at the country level. Participants agreed that SDGs implementation should be localized by aligning them with national development plans. 

The g7+ member countries also recognized the need for National Statistic Office to lead the process of monitoring the SDGs and thus should be supported to deliver on the task.

The participants anticipated the challenges g7+ countries will face in implementing and monitoring the SDGs at the country level such as insufficient capacity lack of resources needed to realize the outcome of agenda 2030

The meeting provided an opportunity for the g7+ members to brainstorm on are the most important SDGs indicators while maintaining the notion of encouraging each member country to select and prioritize national indicators that can be responsive to their needs. 


This resulted in identification of a set of indicators that can be jointly monitored and reported on. The list will be further discussed.  


The meeting was also attended by observers from CSO, WB, UNDP, ILO, Safer world and ODI.