On the 31st of April 2015, the focal points of g7+ and non g7+ Least Developed Countries’ gathered in Brussels for a joint ILO/g7+ workshop on “jobs for resilience under the framework of Fragile to Fragile (F2F) Cooperation”. This initiative was also supported by UNDP, the EU and KAS.
This joint workshop was the first step in operationalizing the MoU between the g7+ and ILO, signed on March 2014 in Geneva. The purpose was to share experiences on job creation for economic development linked to peace building as a pillar to strengthen the state infrastructures in g7+ countries and non-g7+ LDCs.
Furthermore, this event served as the launching platform of the F2F g7+ policy. This policy provides a an effective structure for g7+ members to support each other in their common journey out of fragility, under the principles of voluntarism, solidarity and cooperation. This is done through three pillars
The implementation of the New Deal
Supporting members to deal with acute and emerging crisis
and peer-learning around the thematic of Public Finance and Natural Resources Management, including peace/reconciliation.
It is under the peer-learning pillar that g7+ Secretariat, led by their Special Envoy; Madame Emilia Pires had the great pleasure to launch the Natural Resources Management Report, the 1st official publication of the g7+. The purpose of this report, beyond showing an overview of the natural wealth that exists in our fragile countries, is to underline the fundamental reality that the most resource rich countries are home to 1.5 billion people living below the poverty line. The report can be found here (NRM Report) for your perusal.