Press Release

Courtesy visit of g7

The deliberation on the g7+ Observer status at the UN takes place in the 6th committee

The deliberation on g7+ draft resolution for Observer status in the United Nations General Assembly, New York took place on 18 October 2019 at the Sixth Committee. H.E. Alie Kabba, Permanent Representative of the Sierra Leone to the United Nations (UN) introduced the draft resolution on “Request for Observer Status for the Group of Seven Plus in the General Assembly” on behalf of the g7+

The decision for the g7+ to apply for an Observer Status at the United Nations took place at the Fifth g7+ Ministerial Meeting in Lisbon on 26-27 June 2019, with the view that the g7+ has become an increasingly influential constituency at the global stage that fight for the sustaining and maintaining global peace.

Having the observer status will allow the g7+ to have the official avenue that the group can provide collective input in the agenda and work of UN, particularly on sustaining peace and security, improving peacekeeping operations and the implementation of 2030 Agenda – global goals to end poverty.

During the deliberation, there was wider support for the draft resolution from the members of the UN. Delegations from the members of g7+ group such as Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Union of Comoros, Timor-Leste and Togo delivered their statements calling for support in granting observer status to the group of g7+ at the UN General Assembly. In addition to that, countries non g7+ members expressed their support during the deliberation included Gambia (on behalf of 54 African States), China, and Sudan.

Prior to the deliberation, the draft resolution was already co-sponsored through online e-deleGATE system by 25 countries include Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Cabo Verde, Republic of Korea, Mozambique, Sweden, Portugal, Romania, Samoa and Gambia in addition to those of the g7+ members. Furthermore, several members of the United Nations including the Permanent members of the

Security council (P5) confirmed that the g7+ group is an inter-Governmental organization whose objectives are aligned with those of the United Nations and thus meet the criteria to seek observer status at the UN. The g7+ Secretariat represented by Mr. Habib Mayar is in New York working closely with the Missions of Sierra Leone (the chairing country), Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (the host) and other g7+ countries to galvanize the needed support. The sixth committee will conclude its recommendations and publish them in Journal for the consideration of the General Assembly that will take place in mid-December 2019. The g7+ Secretariat thank the leadership of members countries and partners for their support and hope that the observer status will be granted given the wider recognition. EN

About the g7+
Formally established in 2010, the g7+ is an inter-governmental group of 20 countries affected by conflict and fragility that share lessons on peacebuilding and state building. The group promotes home-grown peace and resilience through collective advocacy and Peer-to-Peer learning and experience sharing (Fragile to Fragile Cooperation). The g7+ member counties are Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, Togo and Yemen. Sierra Leone is the current chair country of the g7+ and the permanent Secretariat is based in Dili, Timor-Leste, with the European Hub is in Lisbon, Portugal. The primary role of the g7+ Secretariat is to provide advice, coordination and assistance in implementing g7+ work priorities.

For further informaiton, please contact:

Helche Silvester
Communication and Media Officer
+670 78477323 | F: The g7+ | @g7plus

Progress in implementing the New Deal

Guinea-Bissau and Union of Comoros became the latest g7+ member to undertake a fragility assessment in March 2014 – bringing the total of fragility assessments conducted to seven. The PSG indicators developed from these assessments offer a menu that can help to measure progress against the PSGs. Somalia developed and signed their New Deal Compact, with funding of USD 2.7 billion pledged by development partners. With this funding set to be used within the country-owned and led framework of the New Deal, this is a BIG deal for Somalia and the g7+. Also during the year South Sudan did a remarkable job of country-wide consultation as they began to develop their own

  • The g7+ should scale up its work of promoting a culture of peace and reconciliation based on self-reliance and ownership.
  • The g7+ group and its members need to work harder to translate the principles of New Deal into reforms that can make aid more effective.
  • The g7+ needs to double its efforts to steer the attention of the international community to addressing the root causes of conflicts and fragility.
  • The g7+ members should fulfil their obligation to make regular financial contributions as established in the g7+ Charter.