Press Release


The g7+ congratulates its member state Central African Republic on the success of the Bangui Forum

The Chair of the g7+, Dr Kaifala Marah, on behalf of the group congratulates the people and the interim government of Central African Republic (CAR) for the successful Bangui National Forum on National reconciliation held on 4-11 May, 2015. The g7+ commends the efforts of the interim government of CAR in building national cohesion in CAR which is a step forward for lasting peace and resilience in the country. This was highlighted in the speech of H.E. Kay Rala Xanana, former prime minister of republic of Timor-Leste and the eminent person of the g7+ Advisory Council. His speech was pronounced at the closing ceremony of the forum. The g7+ secretariat was cordially invited to the forum to represent the group and deliver the message of H.E. Xanana

In a previous mission to Bangui, in February 2015, Hon Xanana Gusmao, showed his exemplary leadership and shared his own experience for reconciliation to cultivate a culture of non-violence and advocate that there cannot be development without peace and there cannot be peace without development.

The g7+ calls upon the national stakeholders like the government, armed groups, religious leaders and the people of CAR to work together to ensure the implementation of the recommendations issued from the week-long discussions in Bangui and to respect the signed peace agreement between the armed groups and the government. The g7+ further calls upon the international community to conduct elections underlining the pre-conditions in order to conduct a fair and impactful electoral process, including security, the disarmament, the return of internally displaced people and also closing the budget deficit. The g7+ reiterates its commitment to support the immediate priorities through their strong advocacy to rally the development partners and donors to provide sufficient resources and their global network in offering a peer-learning structure under the g7+ institutional framework “Fragile to Fragile Cooperation”.