A forward looking model of reconciliation

A forward looking model of reconciliation

A forward looking model of reconciliation

A Forward Looking Model of Reconciliation -

The story of reconciliation between Timor-Leste and Indonesia is remarkable for the process and its success. After gaining independence in 2002, the leadership of Timor-Leste prioritized forgiveness in order to forge a new relationship with its closest neighbor, and to heal the battle scars amongst its own divided community. The process was supported by the Indonesian government, which was bedding in the democratizion of politics and reforming its security institutions. With an international focus on prosecuting individual perpetrators of violence, the leaders of Timor-Leste and Indonesia insteadsought a model of reconciliation that was anchored in both peace building and st at e building.
  • This case study highlights the complex interplay of external and domestic pressures that surround the pursuit of peace and reconciliation. The approach pursued by the leaders of Timor-Leste and Indonesia prioritied ‘restorative justice’ ahead of ‘retributive justice’ in the search for a sensitive and pragmatic way forward.
  • At the time, democracy in both countries was in its infancy, necessitating a means of reconciliation that not only addressed the horrors of the past that would bring about better bilateral relations, but also contributed to the fledgling process of peace building and statebuildingineachcountry.
  • The process of reconciliation is not static, nor does it come to an end with the publication of a report. Careful consideration needs to be given to the staging and pace of events, which will likely continue for decades depending on the history of conflict and development context of the countries involved.
  • It was most evident from this case study that the reconciliation process benefited greatly from the deep personal commitments of the key leaders, together with their good standing on the international stage and amongst their own populations.

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