Aid Instrument for peace and statebuilding: Putting the New Deal into Practices

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Aid Instrument for peace and statebuilding: Putting the New Deal into Practices

Aid Instrument for peace and statebuilding: Putting the New Deal into Practices

The New Deal and its implementation

In November 2011, at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan South Korea, the international community endorsed “A New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States”, an agreement advocated for by the g7+ group of conflicted affected countries and developed through the forum of the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and State building. The New Deal aims to provide a framework to guide international cooperation to support countries affected by conflict and fragility. It does so by identifying principles and related commitments for action across three pillars, as detailed below:

The New Deal Creates Change By

Use the PEACEBUILING & STATEBUILING COALS(PSGs) as the foundation for progress toward the Millennium Development Goals & as a guide for work in fragile and conflict-affected states

  • LEGITIMATE POLITICS- Foster inclisive political settlements & conflict resolution
  • SECURITY- Establish & strengthen people’s security
  • JUSTICE- Address injustices & increase people’s access to justice
  • ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONS- Generate employment & improve livelihoods
  • REVENUES AND SERVICES- Manage revenue & build capacity for accountable & fair service delivery

FOCUS on new ways of engaging by supporting inclusive, country-led transitions out of fragility, based on five elements:

  • FRAGILITY ASSESSMENT of the causes & features of fragility, which is country led, as the basis for one vision one plan
  • ONE VISION & ONE PLAN which is country-owned & led to address the PSGs & to transition out of fragility
  • COMPAT to implement the one vision one plan & to guide partnership between all parties to achieve the PSGs
  • USE the PSGs to monitor progress
  • SUPPORT POLITCAL DIALOGUE & LEADERSHIP for effective peacebuilding & state building

Building mutual trusts & strong partnerships. TRUST in a new set of commitments to provide aid & manage reforms for better results

  • TRANSPARENCY in the use of domestic resources, enhanced & at every level
  • RISK that is jointly assessed & managed for better & greater investment in fragile sates
  • USE OF COUNTRY SYSTEMS building & delivering through them
  • STRENGTHEN CAPACITIES of local Institutions & actors to build peaceful states
  • TIMLY & PREDICTABLE AID through simplified, faster & better tailored mechanisms

Progress in implementing the New Deal

The purpose and focus of the New Deal case studies

The case studies presented in this Report aim to contribute to efforts to address some of these challenges that have emerged in relation to pursuing implementation of the New Deal. They focus on a range of innovative aid programmes and instruments which are in line with the New Deal principles and commitments. Five of the case studies focus on programmes in individual countries, with an additional case study focussing on an aid instrument being implemented by one donor in a range of countries affected by conflict and fragility.


Each of these case studies presents an overview of the background and operations of the programme/ instrument being featured, the factors that facilitated its emergence, its impacts and the lessons learnt from its implementation. In presenting this analysis it is hoped that these case studies will help to strengthen confidence in the New Deal as a vehicle for change and provide practical illustration for how its implementation can be taken forward by both development partners and g7+ member countries. This will in turn hopefully inspire development partners and g7+ members to work together more effectively to address the constraints relating to implementation of the New Deal.

Overall, these case studies show that – from both a government and a development partner perspective – with political will and committed cooperation it is possible to develop innovative support modalities and programmes to support the New Deal principles, even in some of the most challenging development contexts. Furthermore, they illustrate that it is worth investing time and effort to take such initiatives forward as they can lead to more effective, country-owned and sustainable results.

The table overleaf provides a brief overview of the programmes and instruments covered by these case studies. The rest of this overview chapter presents 10 lessons which emerge out of these case studies, which can help to inform the efforts of development partners and g7+ members to take forward the New Deal and pursue more effective cooperation in fragile contexts:

key lessons for development partners

  • Lesson 1:
    Respond rapidly and flexibly to crises
  • Lesson 2:
    Align support with Government programmes and use dialogue to strengthen collaboration on systems
  • lesson 3:
    Develop long term partnerships and avoid stop and go approaches
  • lesson 4:
    Purse risk-sharing approaches which recognise the risk of inaction
  • lesson 5:
    Recognises the role of multilateral organisations
  • lesson 6:
    Make a particular effort, to harmonies with others

key lessons for g7+ members

  • Lesson 7:
    Develop a clear set of strategic priorates to guide donors
  • Lesson 8:
    Progressively strengthen systems, so as to leverage their use by donors
  • lesson 9:
    Understand and respond to donor political constraints with innovative solutions
  • lesson 10:
    Make the New Deal principles more visible in dialogue with donors

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