g7+ Policy Note on Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation

g7+ Policy Note on Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation

g7+ Policy Note on Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation

The g7+ has at the core of its mission the desire to support countries suffering from conflict or crises on their way towards resilience. The g7+ is determined to stand in solidarity with its brothers and sisters in fellow countries to help them on the pathway towards resilience. Fragile contexts, although distinctly different in each country, do have similar features. Countries in transitions from conflict or weak institutions to increased resilience can understand better what it takes and how difficult it can be. g7+ Countries are therefore particularly well placed to support each other in fostering a country-led trajectory towards peace and resilience. In supporting each other, the g7+ can draw on its strong sense of solidarity between its members, which is based not on geopolitical interest, but on the common desire for all countries to move out of fragility; the experience of some g7+ countries in building effective, legitimate and resilient institutions, against all odds; its network of influential and inspiring figures who have steered their own societies through such difficult periods; its expertise in specific frameworks, processes and tools that can support sustainable peacebuilding and statebuilding, as laid out in the New Deal for Engagement with Fragile States; and its strong relations with the international community through the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS).
To this end, the g7+ has launched the initiative of Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation (F2F cooperation). The purpose of this document is to frame and explain the concept of Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation. The concept will serve as an umbrella under which the g7+ will undertake a number of activities. This framing will guide the planning of specific activities by the g7+, and will also serve as an invitation to development partners to support the g7+ in the operationalization of the concept. 2. The concept of Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation F2F cooperation is the support g7+ can provide to each other, including through peer learning, capacity building, experience sharing and knowledge generation. It provides a framework through which the g7+ can make optimal use of its own resources, as well as channel support from external parties to its priorities for learning and expressing solidarity. F2F cooperation thus refers to support between g7+ member states, as graphically shown below. It will operate in parallel to the continued engagement of the g7+ with the International Dialogue on Peacebuiding and Statebuilding.

Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation consists of three main pillars:

  1. Supporting g7+ member countries in implementation of the New Deal 
  2. Peer learning, knowledge generation and capacity development around peacebuilding and statebuilding
  3. Supporting g7+ member countries in dealing with acute and emerging crises

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