Powering up energy investments in fragile states: A call to action
Since the establishment of the g7+, every new year brings new opportunities, aspirations and of course challenges, which further teach us new ways of handling our journey toward resilience and prosperity. The strategic priorities we agreed upon in the second g7+ Ministerial helped in guiding our journey more strategically. The voice of the g7+ is now being sought in a variety of international forums. We continue to participate in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and State building and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.
New Deal Compact. Broad consultation was conducted across 10 of the 13 states. Sierra Leone also signed a Mutual Accountability Framework in February 2014, in support of its Agenda for Prosperity and as a vehicle for implementing the New Deal commitments and PSGs.
Progress in implementing the New Deal
Guinea-Bissau and Union of Comoros became the latest g7+ member to undertake a fragility assessment in March 2014 – bringing the total of fragility assessments conducted to seven. The PSG indicators developed from these assessments offer a menu that can help to measure progress against the PSGs. Somalia developed and signed their New Deal Compact, with funding of USD 2.7 billion pledged by development partners. With this funding set to be used within the country-owned and led framework of the New Deal, this is a BIG deal for Somalia and the g7+. Also during the year South Sudan did a remarkable job of country-wide consultation as they began to develop their own
Increased communication between members
Four g7+ technical meetings were held during 2013, with members represented at the Ministerial level as well as by Focal Points. These meetings provided members with the opportunity to update each other on country progress and share experiences. We also spread the g7+ message within our membership through an African Roadshow, which involved myself and members of the g7+ Secretariat visiting Chad, DRC and Liberia. This included presentations by g7+ Focal Points and Ministers to their respective political leaderships, which aimed to build support for the New Deal. The g7+’s ability to communicate more regularly has been supported by enhanced capacity within the g7+ Secretariat, with Senior Policy Specialist, Mr Habib Mayar and Senior Researcher, Dr Nelson Martins, joining the Secretariat in January and June respectively. Further positions will be added in 2014, enhancing our capacity and inclusiveness.
The g7+ should scale up its work of promoting a culture of peace and reconciliation based on self-reliance and ownership.
The g7+ group and its members need to work harder to translate the principles of New Deal into reforms that can make aid more effective.
The g7+ needs to double its efforts to steer the attention of the international community to addressing the root causes of conflicts and fragility.
The g7+ members should fulfil their obligation to make regular financial contributions as established in the g7+ Charter.
The g7+ member countries should strive to increase the number of member countries that have ratified the g7+ Charte
Challenges faced by g7+ member countries
The deteriorating situations in the Central African Republic and South Sudan have been a cause of great distress. As members of the g7+ family we need to learn from these difficult times, to understand the factors that can lead to relapse and support each other by encouraging development partners to act responsibly and sustainably. In sum, 2013 taught us that our mission is more important than ever.