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The g7+ is an intergovernmental organization made up of conflict-affected countries united by a vision of peace, stability, and development in their countries and everywhere in the world.
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The g7+ provides a platform to member countries to collectively advocate for better approaches of supporting peacebuilding and statebuilding efforts in countries affected by conflict and fragility.
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The Haiti Declaration 2012 – ENGLISH
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- The Haiti Declaration 2012 – ENGLISH
The Haiti Declaration
Port-au-Prince 14 November 2012
We the representatives of the g7+ participating in the Second g7+ Ministerial Retreat in Portau-Prince, Haiti, are pleased to make this Haiti Declaration. We confirm that during our meetings in Haiti, delegates have accepted the request of the Union of the Comoros to join our group. We welcome the Union of the Comoros into the g7+ family now numbering 18 nations.
We take this opportunity to unreservedly declare our solidarity as a group and to reaffirm our commitment to the collective efforts of advocacy in the international arena and ongoing peer-topeer support amongst our member states. Together we recognise that the achievements of the past twelve months since the first Ministerial Retreat held in Juba, South Sudan, are a clear testimony to what we can achieve together with an effective and united voice.
We acknowledge the generosity and hospitality of the Government of the Republic of Haiti and pay tribute to the resilience and courage shown by the Haitian people in the face of adversity. The g7+ stands together in deep friendship with the Republic of Haiti. Each of our member nations are engaged in efforts to achieve the same outcomes; to build resilient States in order to provide better living conditions for the Peoples of our nations.
We recognise the contributions of the Prime Minister of Haiti, His Excellency Laurent Salvador Lamothe and the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, in this Second Ministerial Retreat and extend our appreciation to the Chair of the g7+ Her Excellency Emilia Pires.
In this Haiti Declaration the g7+ emphasises its’ respect for the national sovereignty of it’s members and the principle of country-owned and country-led transitions towards resilience and national development.
Whilst the g7+ is committed to promoting mutual transparency and trust in development partner relationships we remain respectfully aligned with other groupings who hold the principled position that aid should not be conditions based, and that developed countries must respect the
sovereignty of developing countries, recognising national ownership of priorities, planning, policy and process.
The g7+ welcomes and appreciates emerging South-South cooperation as a compliment to North-South cooperation. We continue to respectfully urge developed countries to honour their ODA commitments.
The g7+ affirms its understanding of the New Deal as a framework with three interconnected and indivisible pillars designed to accelerate the effectiveness of development partnerships within g7+ countries.
The Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals (PSGs) along with the FOCUS and TRUST principles form a made for purpose paradigm. The isolation of any of these pillars or the application of them out of their intended purpose is not endorsed by the g7+.
The g7+ noted during our meeting that we see our role as “agents of change”. Rather than seeking more assistance, our focus is on the better and more efficient use of the existing level of resources.
Whilst the members of the g7+ in Haiti have celebrated the achievements of the past twelve months, the plans for the next twelve months have been at the forefront.
Over the next year the g7+ will strengthen its’ visibility both within member countries and internationally, increase networking with like-minded groups, consolidate political buy in amongst member countries and build on the peer-to-peer relationships and cooperation to promote the PSGs, FOCUS and TRUST. The reach of g7+ cooperation within member countries is set to broaden from the initial connections in Finance and Planning Ministries into other Ministries and sectors including Foreign Affairs and Resource Management. Civil Society Organisations will continue to play their valued role within the group. The g7+ will also continue to pursue a solid and consistent dialogue with the private sector. We will remain focussed on improving the effectiveness of the relationships with our development partners. The New Deal trial implementation will continue to be rolled out amongst g7+ countries under the technical guidance of the g7+ to ensure a country owned and country led process.
As we build better governance in our own societies, we call on developed countries to addressthe flaws in their legal, accountancy and banking professions that facilitate money laundering of which we are all victims. We also highlight and condemn the illegal exploitation of natural resources in our countries.
Finally and most importantly the g7+ will develop a consolidated input into the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda to ensure the special needs and vulnerabilities of our nations are adequately addressed.
We conclude our meetings in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, proud of what we have managed to achieve in a few short years for our Nations and for our Peoples, strengthened by the determination of our fellow g7+ members. We will continue the work ahead with one united voice in our mission to build resilient States and serve the needs of our Peoples.
14 November 2012