H.E. Kenyeh Barla Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair g7+ g7+ High Level Side Event – 22 September 2023

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H.E. Kenyeh Barla Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair g7+ g7+ High Level Side Event – 22 September 2023

Welcome Remarks
H.E. Kenyeh Barla
Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair g7+
g7+ High Level Side Event – 22 September 2023

His Excellency, Julius Maada Bio, President of Sierra Leone
His Excellency Jose Ramos Horta, President of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Special Envoy of g7+.
Other dignitaries (TBC)
Colleague Ministers
Distinguished delegates

I warmly welcome you all to this High Level Summit “Increasing global solidarity, sustaining Peace and building resilience in countries affected by conflict and fragility.


On behalf of Sierra Leone, the Chairing Country of the g7+, and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, host of the g7+ Secretariat, I thank you all for presence this morning with us.

At the outset, I would like to express how honored and humble I am to assume the role of g7+ chair from my predecessor, Mr. Francic Kai-Kai, the former Minister of Planning and economic development of Sierra Leone. In my capacity the Chair of g7+, this is my first meeting with the esteemed members of the g7+.


Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

This summit is happening at a time where the world is going through unprecedented challenges whose impact has been disproportionately harsh on conflict affected countries such as those in the g7+. To confront these challenges, we need collective actions. With the deepening division and multipolarity in international conduct, space for humane solidarity has been shrinking. Our countries are being particularly affected by this waning cooperation underpinned by humanity as its pillars.


However, the very composition of the g7+ group demonstrates that solidarity, humanism and empathy can still determine international relation.


And this is exactly why we are convening today.


Today we aim at developing consensus among our membership on how best to promote our peace and stability the UN. We would like to hear the perspective of members and our partners on how best to galvanize resources to mitigate the impact of the compounding risks of conflicts, climate change, hunger and poverty our people are facing.


Without further due, I would like to outline the program. We will have the honor to hear the opening remarks from Excellency Presidents of Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste. Then we will hear from the g7+ secretariat to update us on the progress we have made since the last time we the group convened during the UNGA. Then we will hear statements from our member countries and Partners present today. At the end of the summit, we will adapt the outcome of the summit, a draft of which is circulated.


We have simultaneous translation between English and French.


Now I have the honor to Invite…..


*****The annotated agenda will follow******

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