Habib Mayar, Deputy General Secretary of g7+
IDPS Dialogue on Coastal West Africa, Accra, 25 – 26 March 2024
Distinguished representatives of IDPS, good morning. Greetings from the g7+ secretariat. While I regret not being able to join you in person, I’m grateful for our colleagues, Ms. Helche Silvester and Mr. Elísio Valadares, representing us.
I extend my gratitude to the IDPS Secretariat for organizing this regional dialogue and for inviting us to participate.
Sixteen years ago, in 2008, the Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra resulted in the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA). It was there that some of the current g7+ members called for the establishment of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. The AAA mobilized commitments from both aid recipient and donor countries to coordinate better, be accountable, and prioritize peacebuilding and statebuilding efforts in fragile contexts.
Furthermore, the Accra Agenda for Action made targeted commitments to countries grappling with conflict and fragility. These commitments encompassed conducting joint assessments to comprehend the root causes of conflict, establishing attainable objectives for peacebuilding and state-building, offering customized capacity development assistance, striving for the sustainability of institutions, and bridging the transition from humanitarian to development phases through adaptable support mechanisms.
The tripartite platform of IDPS was established to facilitate dialogue on how to achive these objectives and reforms related to peacebuilding and statebuilding in fragile countries. Its purpose was to promote effectiveness and accountability through open and honest discussions among g7+ member states, peacekeeping and humanitarian organizations, development partners, and civil society. By fostering such dialogue, the platform seeks to ensure that fragile and conflict-affected countries, which have historically borne the brunt of regional and global crises, are not overlooked or marginalized in international efforts for peace and development.
Since then, the political and development landscapes have shifted dramatically. The escalation of crises has disproportionately affected fragile countries, exacerbating poverty, hunger, democratic setbacks, and conflicts. With only six years remaining to achieve Agenda 2030 milestones, the principles outlined in the AAA and the New Deal have become more relevant than ever.
However, despite these principles, the IDPS community has yet to fully deliver on its mandate. Therefore, I hope this meeting can address three key objectives:
1. Based on the trajectory of our countries, it has become evident that addressing fragility and conflicts necessitates not only technical skills but also political will to translate strategies into action effectively. Dialogue and reconciliation are indispensable tools for conflict resolution and fostering cohesion. Given the potential for exploitation of unresolved divisions by current geopolitical and geoeconomic fragmentation, I wish to reaffirm the g7+’s commitment to pursuing dialogue and reconciliation. I call upon regional organizations and the UN to collaborate with us in these efforts. Our pursuit of cross-regional endeavors underscores our unity based on solidarity rather than regional proximity.
2. The International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) serves as a distinct forum representing the collective interests of conflict-affected countries on a global scale. Its purpose is to garner international support for addressing the needs and priorities of such nations. This is particularly crucial in today’s context, where fragile countries risk being overshadowed by emerging crises on the international stage. We sincerely hope that IDPS will leverage its political capital to promote the agenda of peace and stability in countries that have borne the brunt of every global crisis.
3. The g7+ is dedicated to an ambitious agenda of ensuring that fragile countries are not left behind in the global discourse. We have actively engaged in discussions on critical issues such as climate change, international security, and peacebuilding. However, we recognize that realizing this journey requires the support of our international partners, particularly the other two constituencies of IDPS. We call upon them to join forces with us, united in our commitment to advancing the interests of fragile nations and fostering inclusive global development.
Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all fruitful deliberations.